Community: United Neighbors Civic Association of Jamaica, Inc.

United Neighbors Civic Association of Jamaica, Inc.

The United Neighbors Civic Association of Jamaica, Inc. founded in 1961, has a mission to improve the neighborhood and quality of life for residents and businesses alike within their Service Area. Joyce Denny, President, along with an active Board work to create a safer, more robust community to benefit all. A few of their initiatives include addressing traffic and parking concerns, working with all levels of government and other community organizations to increase services and facilities that serve the neighborhood. A GatewayJFK board member and Community Partner, UNCA collaborates with Spring Jam Civic Association to build community. 

United Neighbors Civic Association of Jamaica, Inc. Board, back row left to right: Betyl Pearson, Corresponding Secretary; Sandra Havertong, Secretary One; Margaret Briggs, Treasurer; Ruth Settles, Vice President; Renee Spivey; Michelle New, Secretary Two; Joyce Denny, President.


Vital, Mission Critical Couriers


Movers & Shakers: Armen Cargo Services